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Workers’ Compensation Claims And Shoulder Injuries

Last updated on December 13, 2023

Shoulder injuries can be debilitating. The experienced legal team at Hedberg & Boulton, P.C., in Des Moines helps injured individuals in Iowa obtain the maximum compensation they deserve under the state’s workers’ compensation laws.

Causes For Workplace Shoulder Injuries

A workplace injury to the shoulders or knees can result from a single accident or from the repetition of physical tasks over a period of time. In either case, if your workplace injury has left you unable to perform your normal job tasks and in need of seeing a doctor, you are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

Shoulder injuries vary in severity. Sometimes, this type of injury only requires a short leave of absence. However, other injuries are more extensive and could require rehab and therapy for the rest of your life. A shoulder injury may stem from an old injury that was aggravated by your work tasks.

Workplace Shoulder And Rotator Cuff Injuries

Our legal team will help you seek the medical treatment and the compensation you deserve. We have handled thousands of workers’ compensation cases and represented a number of workers who had shoulder injuries, including:

  • Nerve damage
  • Decrease in range of motion
  • Torn rotator cuff
  • Chronic shoulder pain
  • Dislocated shoulder
  • Tears or rips to the tendon

When you work with Hedberg & Boulton, P.C., our lawyers will take the time to fully explain the different types of workers’ compensation that you may be entitled to in a clear and understandable way.

Our Experienced Workers’ Comp Attorneys

Employers and their insurance providers do not always have workers’ best interests in mind in workers’ compensation cases. We understand the keys to obtaining maximum benefits for our clients, beginning with thorough case preparation and the organization of your complete medical records.

We often are successful in reaching a fair agreement for our clients during negotiations, but we will not hesitate to go to court if you are presented with a less-than-fair offer from your employer’s insurance company.

Questions? Schedule A Free Appointment.

Trying to navigate the workers’ compensation process on your own can be complex. You risk making decisions that could negatively affect your legal position. Protecting your rights can become a guessing game without a qualified lawyer by your side.

We welcome the opportunity to review the facts of your case during a free, no-obligation consultation. Call 515-446-9861 or use our contact form to schedule an appointment.